By John Thorne - Tue, 09 Jun 2009 08:30 Well, they say motor racing is a series of ups and downs; they’re not wrong! The first SportMaxx rounds at Rockingham back in April were pretty unpleasant for the whole team. A variety of contributing 'off-track' factors that we...

Dunlop SportMaxx – Round 7 8 & 9Donington Park 5th & 6th July 2009
Running a race team ofthis size in multiple championships is certainly interesting. This weekend wehad almost every aspect of racing land on our doorstep, inter team car on carcontact, a big crash, race wins and podiums, a TV crew in tow, mechanicalfailure and another...
Dunlop SportMaxx Rounds 1 2 & 3Rockingham 18th & 19th April 2009
By John Thorne - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 08:30 Well, the first race of the 2009 season is here and there’s somany changes it’s hard to keep up. Leyton has moved from class B to the Astrain Class A, so carries his number 1 plate to the top class. We have a newdriver, Abbie...
SportMaxx – Combe 18/19 Jun 09
By John Thorne - Mon, 20 Jul 2009 21:19 Weather was always going to be a feature at this race, the forecast was pretty miserable but very changeable – just about the worst kind of weather for racing, but we had no idea just how important it would be until later in the...
SportMaxx – Croft 22/23 Aug ’09
By John Thorne - Mon, 24 Aug 2009 08:00 ]]>Dunlop SportMaxx Race ReportFirst off, remember in the last report I mentioned that wehad our Astra and Corsa sealed by the BARC for investigation of illegal LSD’s? Wellas expected BARC inspected the cars and confirmed that...
SportMaxx – Snett 26/27 Sep 09
By John Thorne - Mon, 28 Sep 2009 08:00 Final round to what feels like the end of a long season. Abbie had already secured Class B some time ago and there was still the outside chance of taking the overall championship if Simon Shaw in the SEAT had a bit of bad luck ...