Delighted to be able to share the news that we have had an overwhelmingly positive response to our services from the McLaren Owners Club UK. Every year the UK Club, which is well known to McLaren themselves, undertakes a survey of their members all for the level of...

McLaren Car Canopies
People always ask (usually when they drive down and see we have more McLarens here than the UK dealers combined!) what it is we do that gives us our success and my reply is very simple - every car that comes down our driveway we treat as if it is our own car. There...
McLaren Exhaust Upgrades
TMS CUSTOM MCLAREN EXHUASTSWe have been designing and building sports exhausts for over 20 years, initially working with a variety of suppliers and then bringing the whole process from design to construction in house where we hand made all our exhausts here at...
McLaren Service Schedule
A lot of our work now is for owners Worldwide via our International dealers and its come to our attention that the is a huge variance on service costs from region to region and even dealer to dealer. Some of this is explained by differences in labour rates, currency...
Our McLaren Paint shop Operation
We've been preparing and repairing McLaren bodywork for near 10 years however its not something we really marketed as for the most part paint defects were fully covered by McLaren for 10 years so if and when we saw issues we simply referred owners to their local...
New Car Park
They say a good business is always investing back into its customers so we hope our customers will recognise the investment we have made into our new car park and yard because we had to sell our McLaren 720s Spider to pay for it all! To be honest there is also some...
Africa Trust
A little while ago we took two cars in for sale from an owner who sadly died in a car crash. Paul was a lovely chap, a real petrol head and we had got to know him pretty well as we do with a lot of our customers so his death was quite a shock. In the process of...
Change your battery on your McLaren
We've been hearing of a few customers who have either been screwed on pricing for a battery replacement or are losing their cars for months at a time waiting for a new battery and we are bit amazed at this as there is a simple solution to both issues - simply swap the...
SEMA Show – Become a Thorney Motorsport Independent McLaren Specialist
SEMA is the Worlds largest specialist car show and 2022 did not disappoint with record numbers of both exhibitors and attendees, however our attendance was not to show off a car but to expand our Thorney Motorsport Independent McLaren Specialist dealer network. In the...
McLaren Owners Club Open Day
We dont have too many open days here, we are just too busy but its a shame as they are great fun and we get to meet up with old friends and new ones alike, this year was the best yet. All up we had 55 cars attend and everyone enjoyed the BBQ, refreshments and got the...