After the great success of last years event we were looking forward to this year and it didnt disappoint, whats not to like? Meet up with McLaren owners, chat about cars, watch and drive your car round Silverstone circuit then dinner and beers at a local hotel....

UK McLaren Owners Club Meeting
We were honoured to host a meeting for the UK McLaren Owners Club where we go the chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones. A full variety of McLarens attended and it was nice to see the workshop car park full of McLarens that weren't all here for work!...
Mclaren Owners Club UK Event
Delighted to be a member of the Mclaren Owners Club UK and to participate at a special meet to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the car. Nearly 200 cars attended, of which most then came along for a evening event at Whitlebury Hall hotel and then onward to a club...
Mclaren Owners Club UK, Beaulieu Super Car Day
Always fun to attend an event with the UK Mclaren Owners Club, a nicer bunch of Mclaren owners you wont meet. Weather was a bit crap but it didnt dampen the spirits and there was a nice spread of Mclarens to feast your eyes on and it was nice to chat to owners and...
RMA Track day Support, Silverstone
Well, as if to demonstrate just reliable Mclarens are on track we attended another RMS track day at Silverstone and we ended up bored with nothing to do! Several Mclarens on track and not one had an issue other than checking tyre pressures or a top up of oil, great...
The Childrens Trust Supercar Event – The result
Well, not quite. What a great bunch of people doing a great job of supporting those in need, we cant say that enough and it was great to get a know a little more about what they do - support, education, help for children who have suffered a brain injury for them and...
The Childrens Trust Supercar Event
We do a fair bit for charities here, not something we shout about, charity is about giving not seeking comment but this event is different. The Childrens Trust is a registered charity that offers help and support to children who have suffered a traumatic brain injury,...
Supercar Fest Sywell Aerodrome
First decent event in what seems like years - Supercarfest. We attended along with another 40 odd cars from the Mclaren Owners CLub and it was great fun, helped by the first decent weather we've seen in the UK in what seems like months.
RMA Trackdays Support 2021
Following on from the successful trial run for their last two track days of 2020 we are delighted to confirm we will be offering full track day support for the majority of the RMA Track days for the remainder of 2021. Already this year we have supported one...
Track Day Support with RMA Trackdays
We are delighted to announce our new partnership with RMA to support their customers on track for their Silverstone track events. RMA, the UK's longest standing track day company holds multiple trackdays across the UK and Europe and are well known to us here at...