BMW Show 2015

  By John Thorne – Fri, 02 Oct 2015 10:00 The whole idea of the changes made to the BMW show in 2014 was to see if there was enough interest in a true competitive BMW event, what we were hoping for was interest from BMW owners to do more than just stand...


I've been to a fair old few track days (last count I think was near 200+) and I tend not to go to many these days as after racing they always feel a bit pointless. However with development of the MP12 tuning upgrades nearing completion we thought a bit of spirited...

SANTA POD – 2015

All of our tuning and performance upgrades have to undergo an extensive development process before we are happy to release them for sale, fortunately some of these processes are relatively enjoyable (crash testing certainly isn't one of them) one of these being noise...

Le Mans 2015

  By John Thorne – Mon, 22 Jun 2015 06:39 Weekend began simply enough, park up at Le Mans after a spirited drive down and as we are unloading the camping stuff we spy a row of expensive looking race trucks in the fenced off car park next door. Then as we...